Thursday, April 1, 2010

Vantines, Valentines! How many do I see?

I just wanted to post some pictures from a BIG DAY for Sixteen Small Stones!! This is from the day we sent off the lovely Valentines donated to the children in all of our homes. We are still waiting to send a couple of the boxes (darn it!) but they are all packaged up and ready to go when we get the go-ahead from the right people.
I know I do a LOT of asking for things for Sixteen Small Stones, but I wanted to take this opportunity to say a HUGE, "THANK YOU" for all you do for us. Sixteen Small Stones would be NOTHING without your help! I am constantly amazed at the good hearts of the people who help Sixteen Small Stones. You are all amazing, kind, wonderful people, and I so appreciate all you do for us, and I so appreciate your encouraging words and your prayers and love! Thank you so, so much.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Thank you for posting these pictures! It was very exciting to see! Thanks for all you do!