Thursday, March 11, 2010

HELP NEEDED!! Operation: Fuzzi Bunz (Why does the name of this operation make me laugh when I read it?! Hee hee!)

Thank you all for your prayers and fasting and support for this. I think it really was a miracle. Now, we just have to keep praying that Pres. Obama will pass it.
Okay, so I am trying to get back focused on our operations. I kind of let them slide as we focused on getting the LRA Disarmament And Northern Uganda Recovery Act bill to go through, but now that we are done with that, let's get working on a project!! :D
I spoke with Renee, the girl for whom we were collecting blankets. She said blankets are ALWAYS appreciated, but are going to be more needed this summer! So, we are going to keep collecting blankets, but hold off sending them for a month or so.
In the meantime, Renee expressed another GREAT need! She is in desperate need of CLOTH DIAPERS!! Although I am SURE any kind would be appreciated, the kind that would be BEST for her are the Fuzzi Bunz brand. At first, I figured we would get those if we could but at least get as many cloth diapers as possible. Then, I looked at their website, and realized how much BETTER they would be for someone doing what Renee does! They adjust to different sizes, they dry easier and they absorb well, they don't have a plastic cover, no pins or clips, the snaps have a guarantee to never wear out...these really are just PERFECT for her! She has different babies of HUGELY varying sizes, she is taking care of several children so can't always change immediately, so needs something that will keep baby dry until changed, the will be used over and over and for years and years as she continues to take in children...Everything about these are perfect for her!! is the plan of action. Sixteen Small Stones is going to collect AS MANY Fuzzi Bunz diapers as humanly possible, and also collect donations to purchase as many Fuzzi Bunz diapers as humanly possible. And we are going to do this in record time...The operation will end April 20!! That is only a little over ONE MONTH!
There are THREE ways to donate:
*Buy Fuzzi Bunz diapers and mail them to Sixteen Small Stones at the address to the left of this page (, or I think Toys R Us sells them, too!).
* MAKE Fuzzi Bunz diapers (I have the instructions, so leave me a comment or send an email if you want it!) and mail them to Sixteen Small Stones
* Donate money using our paypal button on this page (as always, please specify in the notes that you want the money to go to this project)
Our goal: 100 FUZZI BUNZ CLOTH DIAPERS (including inserts...we want each one to be a "complete" diaper)
I will chart the progress of this project here, keeping track of how many more are needed.
Thank you ALL for your help and support! I have faith and confidence we can do this!!

1 comment:

exmish said...

I would suggest that people contact their local La Leche League, Moms of Multiples, etc. and see if anyone has gently used ones to donate....or do they have to be new? I put it out to my homeschool group and said if anyone likes to sew (or is maybe teaching someone to sew), it would be a good project. Our YW have been learning to sew too. :)