Friday, August 7, 2009

Paint A Stone Event Update 3

Preparing for Paint A Stone Event: Update 3
Do you see the time I am posting this? Yeah, SO CRAZY tonight, preparing for tomorrow's BIG EVENT!
I got off work late and Jeremy and I went and gathered stones (did I mention I procrastinate SO BADLY?!). Then, to the dollar store for table cloth, paint brushes...etc...and then the craft store for paint. By then it was quite late (the craft store worker lady had to come tell us they were closed and we needed to leave...we still had to pay! Oops!)! We went to the neighbors to collect the table she said we could borrow for tomorrow (THANK YOU, JOANN!). Once home, we blew up balloons, made signs, made and cut out "business" cards, made our little sign to put on the table and tell about us...CRAZY BUSY!
In the midst of doing all of that at home, I showered Taiger, tidied my room and made Taiger dinner. Jeremy got Taiger out of the shower and down to bed (THANK YOU, JEREMY!)
Jeremy helped me SO MUCH tonight with making things and cutting things out, blowing up balloons, gathering stones...he drove me ALL around town, even though he was HUNGRY and SICK! SO SWEET! THANK YOU!
Unfortunately (hee hee) our Bryttan had "other" things on her sweet mind (boys, ahem! or should I say, ONE boy in particular) and was a little busy with other things (his birthday is tomorrow and she was planning a surprise, making him a card...she was crazy busy, too!). Still, she found time to help me and be such a sweet heart! I was just sad because I made the signs and I KNOW she would have done MUCH better than I! She is very, very artistic!
My TIRED Mom came and helped us prepare, too, and my other sister offered moral support. :D Thanks, you guys!
I don't know what I would do without everyone's help! I certainly wouldn't be going to bed tonight...that's for sure!
Well, I still have a few things to finish up so I am off! But I will leave you with some pictures of our preparations! Enjoy!
My poor kitchen as I was trying to get everything done
If you ask Jeremy to blow up balloons, you either end up with balloon air being blown all over your face (along with plenty of saliva, thank you, Jeremy), or Jeremy ends up "pregnant"...or both (as in my case).
Jeremy being "athletic" with the balloon.
BeQin and McKenna playing, being "supportive" (yeah, right! LOL!)
Cutting out "Business card" (Jeremy was nearly asleep!)

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